Collaboration with Education Institutes
In the pursuit of our vision “to be recognized as a world class Indian brand” and “to be as a product leader” we have many challenges to be faced. One of the important challenges is to attract, develop and retain talent as a part of management team for our future growth. We accomplish this with systematic approach and collaboration with different renowned educational institutes for fresh talent – young, energetic conversant with latest technology. We are associated with reputed institutes in and around Pune, Maharashtra, Karnataka and other parts of India to have highly skilled talent pool for campus drives as well as Internship programs. Some of the institutes are mentioned below:
Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS, Pilani) -
Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS, Pilani) is an Indian institute of higher education and a deemed university that focuses primarily on undergraduate education in engineering and the sciences. The institute was established in 1964 by Shri G.D. Birla, one of India’s eminent industrialists, in his hometown of Pilani, Rajasthan. BITS currently has campuses at Pilani, Dubai, Goa and Hyderabad.
Divgi-TTS has had a long association with BITS, Pilani, renowned for churning out one of India’s best engineering and science talents.

Practice School Internship Program -
The Practice School (PS) industrial training program of BITS, Pilani is an off-campus internship program wherein students from all campuses, Pilani, Dubai, Goa and Hyderabad are placed at various industrial houses across India for short durations for a hands-on exposure of the corporate world. It spans the complete spectrum of industry – manufacturing, construction, transportation, banking and finance, information technology, transportation as also research organizations.
Divgi-TTS associates itself with both of the two-step training modules of the program; the PS-1 Program conducted in the 2nd year over a period of 45 days during the summer vacations to acquaint the students with corporate discipline and the PS-2 Program which is a more intense 6-month internship for 3rd year students involving real-life projects ranging from core industry projects to management projects.
During the training, Divgi-TTS provides exceptional exposure to students on modern engineering technologies, world class manufacturing and management practices and the opportunity to gain hands-on industry experience. The unbridled ideas that emanate from the young top-of-the-line talented brigade of engineers in areas ranging from operations, manufacturing, engineering and supply chain management are then effectively put into practice as part of Divgi-TTS’s Continual Improvement Process.

College Of Engineering Pune (COEP) -
It is a autonomous university established more than 150 years ago. It is working closely with industry with the objective of adding value to society, industry and the students growth. The larger goal is to make their students industry ready engineers, bringing novel solutions to the society at large. The industry- Institute Interaction at COEP is highly acclaimed by various industry bodies such as NASSCOM, CII and FICCI.
Divgi-TTS is proud to be associated with this one of the reputed Engineering Institutes in India for talent hire & Internship program. Post Graduate Students (M.Tech) from various branches eg. Program Management, Mfg. Engineering etc. are being hired through campus recruitment drive. These highly intellectual candidates join us as Management Trainee and after their completion of 1year training program, they are helping us to drive improvement programs in various functions and helping organization to meet growth plans. Through Internship program, students of 2nd and 3rd year of Engineering work at Divgi-TTS for 6months as a part of ‘On-Job’ training and help our team to drive improvement projects in Production & Quality.
D.Y.Patil College of Engineering, Akrudi, Pune (DYP) -
It is affiliated with Savitribai Phule University Pune and well known for committed towards quality teaching and learning. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, the group has a chain of over 100 educational institutions. We have hired Graduate Mechanical Engineers for more than 8 years. We have intern partnership of 4 students throughout the year for our both locations in Pune i.e. Bhosari & Shivare. Additionally they support us to recruit Diploma Engineers as trainees through Campus drive.

KLE Technological University (BVB), Hubli -
It is an Autonomous University established more than 72 years as a premier technological institute., It is working closely with industry with the objective of adding value to society, industry and the students growth. The larger goal is to make their students industry ready engineers. The industry- Institute Interaction at KLE is highly acclaimed by various industry. Divgi-TTS, Sirsi facility hires talents from last 15 years, basically Graduate Engineers from different streams like- Mechanical, Automobile and Industrial Production every year to cater our needs of our advanced manufacturing unit at our Sirsi manufacturing location.